Care and Keeping:

How to lengthen the life of your Medieval Mouse pieces

Avoid Water

While some metals and materials used may be just fine in water for a little while, extended exposure may cuase things to get messy. Other materials used may not be able to hold up to water much at all, so it’s best to just avoid it. Should contact with water happen, be sure to dry off your item thoroughly as soon as possible!

Do Not Store In Direct Sunlight

Some materials (including crystals) may be UV sensitive and lose their color with extended exposure to direct sunlight, so keep your items off of windowsills and other places that get lots of sun to avoid fading!

Take Note of Extended Wear

While I do my best to only use ‘true’ metals like copper, brass, and silver, some materials may be plated. Extended wear can cause the plating to rub off and expose the metal underneath, often copper. This changes the color of the plated item and can then cause that dreaded green-skin problem we all hate so much (the bare copper reacting to moisture from your skin).

And while that can be remedied by a thin layer of clear nail polish, most would prefer to just avoid the situation altogether.